R Ramli(1*), Fitrah Febriansyah(2),

(1) Universitas Harapan Medan
(2) Universitas Harapan Medan
(*) Corresponding Author


This research was conducted at the Al-Ittihadiyah Elementary School in Medan, namely designing a multimedia-based game application to recognize traditional weapons. Materials about traditional weapons are studied in arts and culture subjects. However, the learning system at the Al Ittihadiyah Elementary School in Medan so far has only been carried out in the form of lectures/theories. This is because these traditional weapons are not available in schools, as a result students feel bored and find it difficult to understand and follow lessons. This is the background of the author to conduct research. With this application, it is hoped that it can help and make it easier for teachers to deliver subject matter more interestingly so that students can easily understand the material being conveyed because the material has been packaged using a computer. The results of this application design are also useful for students who wish to study independently. This research was conducted by collecting data, analyzing, designing, implementing, and testing the system. The conclusion obtained from the design of this application is to produce a game application to recognize traditional weapons specifically in multimedia-based Arts and Culture subjects which is very helpful in the learning process at Al Ittihadiyah Elementary School Medan.

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SmartAI: Buletin artificial intelligence
Online ISSN: 2828-1144
Organized by Yayasan Adwitiya Basurata Inovasi
Published by Yayasan Adwitiya Basurata Inovasi
W: https://ejournal.abivasi.id/index.php/SmartAI

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