Listia Dewi(1*), Iin Parlina(2), Ika Okta Kirana(3), P Poningsih(4), Muhammad Ridwan Lubis(5),

(1) STIKOM Tunas Bangsa
(2) AMIK Tunas Bangsa
(3) STIKOM Tunas Bangsa
(4) AMIK Tunas Bangsa
(5) AMIK Tunas Bangsa
(*) Corresponding Author


The development of information technology make it easir for user to communicate, including in term of sending and conffidential data and information files. Sending that is usually done through public. Communication lines and storing data that is stored in an inssecure location results in easy tapping of data by non responsible parties. Therefore built an encription and decryption data security application that is able to protect the contents of data and information. RSA algoritma is an algoritma that is applied in research and the progrmming langguage used is the java programming language. Data that has been obtained with this apllication has a fairly strong level of that is security encryption and decryption proses using different keys so that the tapper is not easy to find out information from the contents of the file or data.

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SmartAI: Buletin artificial intelligence
Online ISSN: 2828-1144
Organized by Yayasan Adwitiya Basurata Inovasi
Published by Yayasan Adwitiya Basurata Inovasi

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